Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Constitutes In-Store Shopper Marketing Compliance?

In James Tenser's role as director of the In-Store Implementation Network, the challenge of merchandising compliance is frequently addressed, from a variety of perspectives -- both theoretical and solution-oriented. What criteria define planogram or schematic compliance?

Goggle Goggles and Localization.

This brings to mind my early training at Macy's. As a floor manager, it was my job to interpret the planograms and make them work for my business. As a buyer, I visited every store (I know, those were the days) and worked with the floor manager to make sure my merchandise "complied."

I know department stores are not grocery, but more and more we are moving toward localization. That is, tailoring assortments to the customer of that store or region. The idea of a singular planogram that needs compliance seems antiquated albeit operationally necessary.

I've been playing with Google Goggles--the visual search application. I wonder if there isn't a way to develop an algorithm that measures the installed floor set against the ideal. This could be centrally managed but locally connected.

At ConsumerX, we look at everything from the consumers' perspective. They (we) expect basics--in stock, engaging value propositions, ease of purchase. Centralized planning is powerful, but it may be time to train in-store staff to interpret, know their customers and, yes, be creative.

From RetailWire: BrainTrust Query: What Constitutes Compliance? - Chuck Palmer's RetailWire Blog http://bit.ly/gTq4Sx

Posted via email from ConsumerX: cXChuck's Stuff

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